Workshops & Yoga Classes

Workshops & yoga classes in Eindhoven to bring you back to balance in body, mind, & spirit

‘Since attending yoga classes with Natasha, my mobility and strength has improved, I can walk further than before, my leg is hardly giving way and I have more of an acceptance/ understanding of my body since the surgery.’

‘There has also been an overall positive impact in using yoga as a therapy for recovery and that has been the connection of mind and body.’

We offer diverse workshops and community circles to help you learn sustainable practices for your health and well-being and expand your horizons and share experiences.

For instance, on a physical level, there is more than one set of exercises to strengthen and stabilize your back. We will offer you the principles along with a way of doing it. Taking the principles of creating awareness, mobilizing, aligning, stabilizing, and strengthening, we will offer you a way to do this. You can then adopt the practices that suit you and your schedule.

Breathing is important, but we often complexify things. The idea is not to get good at any breathing ‘technique’, but to find the practice and approach that helps you manage any imbalances you choose to manage to improve the quality of your life.

Accompany embodied physical practices and energy work with self-reflection practices that you can integrate into your life as part of your personal growth.

“In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.”

~ U. G. Krishnamurti

Upcoming Workshops and Events

  • Releasing the weight of the past



    With breath work, meditation, movement and self-reflection exercises….

  • Setting intention for growth



    Setting a meaningful intention and integrating it into your life is a powerful tool for growth. Here is a pathway.

  • Sleep Well



    Yoga and lifestyle tips for better sleep to promote health and longevity.

  • Access your inner resources



    Articulate the steps you can already take from resources you already have, and use this as a guide.

  • Mind and Body in balance

    Mondays at 10am

    Hot Yoga Eindhoven

    Mind and body are inextricably linked. Yoga practice that works powerfully on the mind and emotions as well as the body is transformative. Vinyasa Krama, a traditional therapeutic system for spiritual and physical development, includes asana, pranayama, and awareness practice. The standing sequence makes a wonderful home and travel practice.

  • Strong bones

    Thursday mornings at 9:30

    Hot Yoga Eindhoven

    Being female and the aging process puts you at risk of developing osteoporosis. It’s never too early to start practicing some stabilizing and strengthening yoga postures to build habits to keep your bones and supporting muscles strong.

‘Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to make time for illness.’

~ Edward Stanley


Vinyasa Krama

Based on a traditional system for spiritual and physical wellbeing, breathing is central to this gentle practice. Tones the body and calms the mind.

Heated Hatha

Increase stability, strength, and flexibility with heated hatha yoga. Ideal for strengthening bones and muscles and improving posture.

Free Video

What ground am I standing on?

In this FREE video I invite you to investigate where you are now in relation to the world, yourself, and others. You can also Download the PDF to accompany the video in this exercise.